Meet your Happiness Hormones

Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins are the “happiness hormones” in our body that help boost our mood and support us in our feel good feelings.
When these hormones are balanced, it helps us to live a happier, calmer and more fulfilled life. However, our happiness hormones can become unbalanced, leading to things like lower mood, poor gut health, sleep problems, lack of focus and motivation, loss of energy and appetite, anxiety and fatigue.
Our happiness hormones can become unbalanced for a number of reasons, one of the most common being high levels of stress.
Dopamine – the reward chemical
Dopamine contributes to things like focus, learning, motivation and pleasure. It acts as a chemical messenger between the cells in our nervous system.
When it’s lacking:
Low self-esteem
Lack of motivation
Low energy
Feeling anxious
Inability to focus
Ways to boost it:
Acts of self-care
Complete a task
Eat something nutritious
Focus on your accomplishments
Celebrate a small achievement
Get enough sleep
Oxytocin – the love hormone
Oxytocin is the chemical associated with social bonding, empathy, trust and relationship building. It is also present in reproduction, childbirth and breastfeeding, as well as orgasm.
When it’s lacking:
Feeling lonely
High stress levels
Emotional disconnect
Feeling unfulfilled in your relationships
Feeling anxious
Trouble sleeping
Ways to boost it:
Play with your pets
Compliment someone
Hold hands, hug or kiss
Sex or orgasm
Endorphin – the pain killer
Endorphins are produced naturally by our body to help us deal with the negative effects of stress or pain. The bodies secretion of endorphins lead to increased pleasure and feelings of euphoria.
When it’s lacking:
Mood swings
Body aches and pains
Impulsive behaviour
Ways to boost it:
Eat chocolate or have a glass of wine
Do something creative
Take a hot bath
Volunteer or give back to those in need
Serotonin – the mood stabiliser
Serotonin is the key hormone that stabilises our mood, feelings of well-being, and our overall happiness. It is so powerful that it can impact almost every part of our bodies including gut health, digestion, appetite, sleep, mental health, energy levels and more. Serotonin enables the cells in our brain and nervous system to communicate with each other, which is why it is often talked about in relation to the gut-brain connection.
When it’s lacking:
Low self-worth
Mood swings and low mood
Feelings of hopelessness
Social anxiety
Gut problems
Ways to boost it:
Meditate or gratitude journal
Connect with nature
Spend time in the sunshine
Move your body
Listen to music
Get a massage
Knowing how to keep these 4 powerful hormones balanced (and recognising when they might need a boost) can be very helpful.
(As always, please keep in mind that the information I share here is not equivalent to seeking individualised professional care.)